It was an Easter celebration, unlike anyone we have had before. Sure, there was the usual lunch provided and the songs and special items. There was something else.
On 7th April 2021, St Luke’s hospital broadcasted during lunch hour through Teams a virtual Easter special prepared by Zion Full Gospel Church. Over 70 log-ins were recorded.
The staff comprises nurses, therapists and other admin personnel who tuned in to watch the program in the comfort of their respective zones’ resting areas or personal work stations within the hospital. There were also a few who tuned in while they worked from home. Many have expressed their surprise and delight at how the entire programs were put together in an array of interesting segments with worship, special item, a riveting message by pastor Jason Tan and especially a heart-warming tribute to the frontline healthcare staff who serve selflessly and with passion during this period of the pandemic. The message of Christ’s love and sacrifice was proclaimed clearly and warmly. My greatest encouragement is that this is a “letter” written by a friend who loves and cares. Care enough to put in hours and days of rehearsal to present such a wonderful program for the people at St Luke’s Hospital.
Pastor Jason and the people of God at Zion Full Gospel, thank you very much!
As you are aware, many of our foreign staff could not go home to their loved ones during this entire period due to travel restrictions. They are home-sick and quite low in morale. This Easter program is a timely encouragement and reminder that we have friends. Friends who pray for us and support us. Similarly, my team of chaplains were inspired and ministered. We know we are not alone, we have friends and partners who come alongside to serve and to give.
Truly ZFGC is like a good Samaritan to us. May the Lord bless you richly in every way so that you continue to abide in His love and abound with good deeds and good work to the glory of His name! The grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ be with all of you. Amen.
Highlight Video: