Week 3: Interceding for Zion’s Rebuilding Project

Scripture Reading: Colossians 1:24-2:23
Key Verse: Colossians 1:28-29
28 He is the one we proclaim, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone fully mature in Christ. 29 To this end I strenuously contend with all the energy Christ so powerfully works in me.

Every parent wants their child to grow up strong and healthy and would give their best for their children’s development. As a spiritual father to the Colossians, Paul desires to “present everyone fully mature in Christ” and for the maturity of his spiritual children, he gives his best. His end goal is not just the growth of the Colossians, but he is looking forward to the Second Coming of Jesus, where he will present mature believers before Jesus. The message of Paul’s development plan for his spiritual sons and daughters is not the latest curriculum but a person – Jesus. His methods of delivery are not state of the art but through personally correcting and teaching his spiritual children with all wisdom. His means are not limited to his own strength but “with all the energy Christ so powerfully works” within him. How different would church life look like if we were to apply the same development plan in Zion today? Not everyone might be called to the position of leadership in the church, but we can all be called to spiritual parenthood – called to pour out our lives and care for our spiritual children in Zion.

Prayer Points
  • Ask God to reveal the areas needing spiritual growth in your life. What are some areas which lack Christ-likeness in your life? Take time to come before God and ask Him to show you His next steps for you. During this preparation phase of the church’s rebuilding project, ask God to raise up and awaken many spiritual Pauls in Zion. Members who will be faithful to proclaim Christ, patient to correct and teach, and reliant on God’s power to develop the next generation of believers in Zion.

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