Week 2: Sowing over Zion’s 2021 Theme: REAP

Scripture Reading: Ecclesiastes 11:1-6
Key Verse: Ecclesiastes 11:6
Sow your seed in the morning,
and at evening let your hands not be idle,
for you do not know which will succeed,
whether this or that,
or whether both will do equally well.

There was once a farmer who thought it wise to be careful in sowing.

What if the conditions are not 100% right for my seed?
What if my methods of sowing are not perfect?
What if I’m a terrible farmer?

Not wanting to waste his seeds, he decided to sow one seed at a time. Only when he saw fruits from the first seed, then would he sow the second seed. And only when he had reaped from the second seed, then would he sow the third…

If you find the above story ridiculous, what about the way most Christians approach spiritual sowing? Have we been having an attitude of “wait and see” before sowing again?

Have you been waiting for someone to say yes to Jesus before you share the gospel with another?
Have you been waiting for someone to respond to your kindness before deciding to be kind to others too?
Have you been waiting for an answer to your prayer for an unsaved love one before you start praying for another lost soul?

Stop the “wait and see” thinking! Keep sowing to keep the harvests coming!

Prayer Points
  • Ask God to realign your attitude about spiritual sowing. If you have an “wait and see” mindset, ask God to expose the lies behind your attitude and renew your mind with His truth.
  • Pray for Zion to have a generous spirit in spiritual sowing. May we be bold and zealous to sow into lives. In due time, we will reap the harvest!
  • Pray for your persons of peace from Day 10.

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